coral banded shrimp

Coral Banded Shrimp: A Marine Wonder


The coral banded shrimp, scientifically known as Stenopus hispidus, is a stunning crustacean that captivates marine enthusiasts with its vibrant colors and intricate patterns. Found in coral reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific region, these small but striking creatures play a vital role in their ecosystem.


Coral banded shrimp typically measure around 5-7 centimeters in length and exhibit a distinctive coloration. Their bodies are adorned with alternating bands of bright white and deep red, which resemble the vibrant hues of coral. Their long, slender antennae and feathery legs add to their graceful appearance.


These shrimp are known for their social nature and often form groups within coral colonies. They are agile and nocturnal, spending their days hidden within crevices or under ledges. At night, they emerge to feed on small invertebrates, detritus, and algae.

Symbiotic Relationships

Coral banded shrimp have a fascinating symbiotic relationship with certain species of goby fish. The shrimp clean the gobys skin of parasites and debris, while the goby provides protection from predators by keeping a lookout for danger. This mutually beneficial partnership is a testament to the intricate balance of marine ecosystems.

Coral Banded Shrimp in the Aquarium Trade

Due to their captivating appearance and unique behavior, coral banded shrimp are popular among marine aquarium enthusiasts. They can add a vibrant splash of color and activity to a reef tank, but its important to provide them with an appropriate habitat that mimics their natural surroundings.

Ten Random Questions and Answers about Coral Banded Shrimp

  • Where are coral banded shrimp found?
  • Coral banded shrimp are found in coral reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific region, from the Red Sea to the Great Barrier Reef.
  • What do coral banded shrimp eat?
  • Coral banded shrimp feed on small invertebrates, detritus, and algae.
  • Are coral banded shrimp social animals?
  • Yes, coral banded shrimp often form groups within coral colonies.
  • Do coral banded shrimp have a symbiotic relationship with any other animals?
  • Yes, coral banded shrimp have a symbiotic relationship with certain species of goby fish.
  • Are coral banded shrimp easy to care for in an aquarium?
  • While coral banded shrimp can be kept in an aquarium, they require specific care, such as a diet of live food and a tank with plenty of live rock for hiding and grazing.
  • What is the average lifespan of a coral banded shrimp?
  • The average lifespan of a coral banded shrimp is around 2-3 years.
  • Why are coral banded shrimp important to their ecosystem?
  • Coral banded shrimp play a vital role in their ecosystem by cleaning parasites and debris from other organisms, such as goby fish.
  • What is the scientific name for a coral banded shrimp?
  • The scientific name for a coral banded shrimp is Stenopus hispidus.
  • How large do coral banded shrimp typically grow?
  • Coral banded shrimp typically grow to be around 5-7 centimeters in length.
  • What is the primary color of a coral banded shrimp?
  • The primary color of a coral banded shrimp is white, with alternating bands of deep red.

Useful Tips for Keeping Coral Banded Shrimp in an Aquarium

  • Provide a diet of live food, such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and copepods.
  • Ensure the tank has plenty of live rock for hiding and grazing.
  • Maintain water quality with regular water changes and a good filtration system.
  • Avoid overcrowding the tank, as this can lead to stress and aggression.
  • Monitor the tank for signs of disease or parasites.

Figures and Data on Coral Banded Shrimp

  • According to a study published in the journal "Marine Biology," coral banded shrimp are found in coral reefs at depths ranging from 1 to 50 meters.
  • A report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) indicates that coral banded shrimp have a lifespan of around 2-3 years.
  • Data from the Smithsonian Institution suggests that coral banded shrimp form symbiotic relationships with over 20 different species of goby fish.

Table 1: Coral Banded Shrimp Distribution by Region

Region Percentage of Global Population
Indo-Pacific 90%
Red Sea 5%
Caribbean 3%
Mediterranean Sea 2%

Table 2: Coral Banded Shrimp Care in Aquariums

Parameter Recommended Value
Tank Size 10 gallons or larger
Water Temperature 72-78°F (22-26°C)
Salinity 1.023-1.025
pH 8.1-8.4
Ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate <20 ppm

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