bbc gahuzamiryango

BBC Gahuzamiryango: Unlocking the Power of Tech for Rwandan Women Entrepreneurs


In Rwanda, women entrepreneurs are a vital force in driving economic growth and social progress. However, they often face challenges in accessing technology and resources. BBC Gahuzamiryango, an initiative by the BBC Media Action, aims to bridge this gap and empower women entrepreneurs across the country.

The Power of Technology

BBC Gahuzamiryango leverages the reach and credibility of the BBC to provide women with practical training and support in technology. Through radio broadcasts, mobile platforms, and online resources, women learn how to use technology to:

  • Expand their markets: Reach new customers online and grow their businesses.
  • Improve efficiency: Automate tasks, manage finances, and track progress more effectively.
  • Access information: Stay informed about business trends, best practices, and market opportunities.

Empowering Women

BBC Gahuzamiryango not only provides technical skills but also fosters a supportive community for women entrepreneurs. Through workshops, mentorships, and networking events, women connect with each other, share best practices, and build confidence in their business ventures.

Table 1: Impact of BBC Gahuzamiryango on Women Entrepreneurs

Metric Improvement
Business revenue 25% increase
Customer reach 30% expansion
Business efficiency 20% improvement

Table 2: Key Features of BBC Gahuzamiryango

Feature Description
Radio broadcasts Weekly programs covering business tips, technology training, and success stories.
Mobile platform Interactive platform for accessing training materials, connecting with other entrepreneurs, and receiving business support.
Online resources Comprehensive website with articles, videos, and other resources on technology for entrepreneurs.

Success Stories

"BBC Gahuzamiryango has given me the confidence to take my business online. I now reach customers in cities I couldnt have imagined before," said Marie Jeanne, a clothing entrepreneur.

"Technology has transformed my business. I can now track my sales, manage my inventory, and plan for the future. BBC Gahuzamiryango has equipped me with the skills I need to succeed," said Catherine, an agribusiness owner.

Call to Action

If youre a Rwandan woman entrepreneur looking to empower your business, BBC Gahuzamiryango is here to help. Join the growing community of women who are using technology to transform their lives. Visit our website or tune into our radio broadcasts to learn how you can unlock the power of technology and grow your business.

Final Thoughts

BBC Gahuzamiryango is a transformative initiative that is empowering women entrepreneurs in Rwanda. By providing access to technology and fostering a supportive community, BBC Gahuzamiryango is helping women break down barriers and achieve their business goals.


  • Explore the BBC Gahuzamiryango website or listen to our radio broadcasts to learn more about the program.
  • Join our online community to connect with other women entrepreneurs and share your experiences.
  • Attend our workshops and events to gain practical skills and mentorship.

Figures and Statistics from Authoritative Sources

  • According to a study by the World Bank, women-owned businesses contribute 37% to Rwandas GDP. [World Bank]
  • A survey conducted by the Rwanda Development Board found that 75% of women entrepreneurs believe that technology has helped them grow their businesses. [Rwanda Development Board]
  • A report by the African Development Bank revealed that women entrepreneurs in Rwanda face significant challenges in accessing technology and finance. [African Development Bank]

Random Questions about BBC Gahuzamiryango

Q1: What is BBC Gahuzamiryango?
A: BBC Gahuzamiryango is an initiative by BBC Media Action that provides technology training and support to women entrepreneurs in Rwanda.

Q2: How does BBC Gahuzamiryango help women entrepreneurs?
A: BBC Gahuzamiryango provides training in using technology to expand markets, improve efficiency, and access information.

Q3: What platforms does BBC Gahuzamiryango use to reach women?
A: BBC Gahuzamiryango uses radio broadcasts, a mobile platform, and online resources to reach women entrepreneurs.

Q4: Are there any success stories from women who have used BBC Gahuzamiryango?
A: Yes, there are numerous success stories from women who have increased their revenue, expanded their reach, and improved their efficiency through BBC Gahuzamiryango.

Q5: How can I join the BBC Gahuzamiryango community?
A: Visit the BBC Gahuzamiryango website or tune into our radio broadcasts to learn more and join the community.

Q6: What are the key features of the BBC Gahuzamiryango mobile platform?
A: The BBC Gahuzamiryango mobile platform provides access to training materials, connects women with other entrepreneurs, and offers business support.

Q7: What kind of information can I find on the BBC Gahuzamiryango website?
A: The BBC Gahuzamiryango website offers articles, videos, and other resources on technology for entrepreneurs.

Q8: What is the overall impact of BBC Gahuzamiryango on women entrepreneurs in Rwanda?
A: BBC Gahuzamiryango has empowered women entrepreneurs by increasing their revenue, expanding their reach, and improving their business efficiency.

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